Saturday, June 21, 2008
Time now is: 2:42 AM
i cant sleep if i dun blog abt this.
recently i jus got the sudden urge to change a phone.alrites the this urge started when viewty came out.alrite i was fantasizing the phone till KS20 came out.i was wow a whole new experience for me.becoz is working on a OS windows mobile HTC diamond spotted during this PC fair not long ago last week.alrite all along iphone was in the list but not in singapore.haha.alrite fine so i got so fed up wif this tat i decided to reserve a htc diamond wif special promo at the pc fair.which sort of cheaper 200 i came home a few days later and found out iphone 3G is really coming to sg and is WHITE!!! if u noe me well =) u noe i jus like white stuffs haha.wallets watch etc.okays so i told my mum abt it as a passing remark.GREAT! she supported me.and i dcided to cancel the order.RIP for my mind.decision made.
wait for iphone.and something happen again!!!!i notice tat iphone do not have a video call function.wtF#(&$#()&@_$^#@)(&^@#^)(&. and htc diamond does not have a 3.5mm headphone i had cancel the order and if i want the htc phone is gonna coz me 200 more bcoz the promo is off.
nothing is perfect.
sometimes in life u jus cant lose those opportunity given to you..who noes u cant get a 2nd chance.this time is jus choosing a time may be of something that create a greater impact to my life.
ps/:i choose my things carefully.fussy u call it.i dun care.or give a damn shit.
going sentosa tml wif kickboxing ppl.i see how it goes haha haven pack my stuffs too.
btw.DEAR!haha.lazy to post in another blog.jus wanna ask.why u give me a cold shoulder!!!! ): nvm i guess u are tired.have fun at church then.which i think u definitely will.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Time now is: 3:24 PM
90percent rotted..
training later =/ dun really feel like so tired and moody.haiz.but guess i jus turn up to torture myself a few hours or so?laziness bring me no where i guess.haha.nth to blog abt actually.caught kung fu panda =) typical cartoon.starting from nth becoming something climax to me.boring.jus to spend my time